Lovely morning.When you are out and about and you look at your phone and notice that it is low on charge, there are times when you are struck with a kind of fear of what you will do if it suddenly runs out of charge. When you can’t get home right away, or when you arrive at work in a place you don’t know, the moment you realise that your phone is low on charge, your mind is filled with anxiety. On the other hand, when you charge your phone properly during the night and go out with it, you feel like you have a lot of things to do on the train, like listening to your favourite music or podcasts, or digging deep into the news you are interested in.
Even if just plugging our phones into a charger once a day and keeping them charged and full, we can feel better about ourselves.
This makes me think that we need to recharge our minds every day. Every day we encounter different things, meet different people, look for and receive different information, we are stimulated by things we see, hear, taste and touch, even if we are not aware of it. This stimulation uses more or less energy.
And not everything goes smoothly in a day, some days we feel confident, some days we feel broken because we are trying so hard and things are not going well, some days we feel negative, some days we feel unsure of ourselves, the energy consumption in our mind is very fast and by the time we turn it into a home we feel exhausted.
And if you don’t fix it, you’ll end up feeling more negative and depressed, and you’ll find it hard to fall asleep when you lie in bed, only to go back to work the next morning, which can be really exhausting for your body as well as your mind.
So, just as you charge your phone at least once a day, make sure you give yourself 10 minutes somewhere in the day to recharge your mind.
Having negative emotions is not a bad thing because it means you are emotionally rich. If you can think about how to deal with them, you can turn them into a positive force. However, when our mental energy is low, we can become anxious, so it is important to look at ourselves and have different ways of recharging our minds.
It would be nice to take a trip somewhere out of the ordinary to recharge your batteries, but it’s not an everyday thing and it’s a bit difficult to do in this current circumstances. Let’s try to be aware of the little things that make our hearts happy and make them happy.
Prepare something that you can do every day in your daily life that will fill your heart with joy, so that when you go to bed your mind is reset and you wake up feeling full of energy and good. Not just before bed, but during the day too, making a nice cup of tea and listening to some lovely music can be a great way to fill your mind.
Just think of all the smiles you’ll put on your face and the smiles you’ll pass on to those around you when you do things that make your heart happy. That”s how you can spend your day with confidence.