Lovely morning.When climbing a mountain, if there is a place where someone has stepped on it, it becomes a path and one day you will reach the summit. It is because many people have passed through there that it became a path to climb to the top. But if you want to walk in the mountains, where the trees are overgrown and the grass is growing all over the place, or in the plains, you don’t know which way to go. This may mean entering unknown territory. When you step into unknown territory, you have no example and no track record because it is you who takes the first step there. You have to take on the challenge and see if you can reach something wonderful that comes to your mind, and be prepared for the fact that more often than not, it won’t work out.
The important thing at that time may be to look at yourself from a distance. Instead of just wading through the trees and grass in front of you, look up at the sky and find something to guide you. It could be the gently falling sunlight, the easing wind, the drizzling rain, the moon in the night, or the constellations you find amongst the twinkling stars. By looking at yourself from a distance and using what is far away and what you feel as a signpost, you can find your way forward there. This is the potential and possibility that you have.
Challenging the unknown is only possible if you have the courage to do so. You may be told by those around you that it is useless, that there is no way you can do such a thing, they may even discourage you from doing it. But as long as you desire to realise something that you envisioned, you have no choice but to be courageous and try to take action. Even if you make a mistake, something wonderful can come out of that failure, or you can try a different approach while trying to avoid that failure from happening again. You could say that failure and success are all part of your path. If we can feel the value of what we gain from challenges rather than the regret of not trying, our hearts will be enriched and coloured with more variety of feelings.