We live our daily lives in relation to …

Lovely morngin.We live our daily lives in relation to many different people and many different things. This can make what we do expand even further, and conversely, we may become frustrated because we can’t do what we want to do as much as expected. And when we can’t do what we want, we can become mentally frustrated, our emotions can explode in the wrong direction, or we can carry too much inside us, which can lead to mental and even physical problems. However, it is clear that taking these negative feelings out on the people around us and blaming ourselves for our own inadequacy will not do us any good in the end.

Sometimes it is necessary to let yourself relax and unwind without putting yourself in a frame. Even in the midst of a busy life, it might be a good idea to find something that makes your heart happy, even if it is only a little, and try to heal your body and mind by making your heart feel happiness when your mind seems tired. If you are very content in this way, your perception of things will also change in a positive way.

If your heart is full of contentment, you will have more room in your heart when you try something or when you interact with the people around you, and you will be able to take a step back and look at yourself and your situation from a bird’s eye view. You can sometimes think about what you like to do, what moves you, what foods make your heart happy, and write these things down in a notebook. That way you will be able to quickly determine how you can heal yourself when your mind is being held back by something distressing.

Yesterday, on my way home from shopping, I saw children playing happily in the park. When I saw the cute smiles on the faces of the little children and the way they were playing with all their might, I felt as if I could feel the happiness that I felt when I was doing things from my heart. Of course we grown-ups have many things we need to do as adults, but I felt that if we can fill our hearts and minds and tackle various things with a peaceful feeling, we might be able to live our lives with a smile on our face.
