Lovely morning.Turn ordinary moments into an extraordinary life. To do this, whatever you decide to do or feel in your heart, just start it right away. It doesn’t matter how small a step it is, you have to take it.
If you think that you have to wait until the timing is right or the environment is right, you may not even be able to start, or you may be too late. The best time to start is the moment you decide, the moment you feel it in your heart.
Letting your thoughts wander is something you can do while moving. Just as nothing we create is ever complete, our environment will never be entirely in order. It is only when you start to move that the environment you really need will be put in place along with your movement. Of course, the timing and the environment may not all work out by starting right away, but all creations are constantly changing course and moving in a better direction. No matter how much you think about it, you will never find the answer. In this sense, the moment you make a decision or feel something is the moment you will never come back to if you miss it, so you should start at this moment.
Especially when your heart feels or is inspired, that moment is very likely to be the perfect starting point. If your heart is inclined, it is because the feeling that you want to do something is asleep in the speculation of your mind. In the current social and educational environment in Japan, we tend to be too concerned about appearances and the environment, and too caught up in how to get started. This may be a major reason why our society as a whole lacks a sense of speed in moving forward, despite the fact that we are busy moving around.
There is no need to take a big first step. You don’t have to take a big first step, but you do have to move immediately, even if it is small. Taking action at the moment of inspiration or when you feel something in your heart is an easy way to use the abilities and information in the potential realm. Please develop the habit of quick action thoughts and actions. This repetition and accumulation will have a great impact on the development of your talents.
And every moment of your ordinary life will become a wonderful life.