Lovely morning.There is a saying that inspiration comes to you. It’s used when you suddenly get an idea in your head for something really great. But can you really come up with a brilliant idea out of thin air?
Some people do, of course, but I think it’s more likely that what they hear, read, study or see is in their deepest consciousness and they think they’ve got a new idea without realising that it’s there. It’s as if the music that we think is new is actually a combination of all the music we’ve heard since we were born, and somewhere in our heads the melodies and sounds are intricately intertwined.
In this way, I think it is important for us to be curious about various things in our daily life, to find new things to learn even in a casual conversation with a friend, to have various experiences such as reading a nice book, looking at a painting, listening to music, playing music, cooking a delicious meal or eating a new dish in a restaurant.
I feel that these experiences may be the key to the inspiration that comes to us. When these experiences become a part of you, the spark may come to you in a moment of pure nothingness. There is always a great idea lying in your mind that you never thought you had. Just the thought that every experience you have can lead to a great inspiration fills you with a sense of excitement.