There are countless books ….

Lovely morning.There are countless books to help you learn English in a bookshop. Every time I go to a bookshop I find something of interest, from English reference books and vocabulary books to how-to books and English for travel. Every time I see one of these books, I can’t help but wonder what the author and his or her team must have been thinking when they created each one. It makes me sigh and wonder when I will have such a huge amount of knowledge, but at the same time it gives me a thrill to know that there is so much more to learn, so much more to learn that I don’t know. 

When I teach English, I am often asked by students and parents how to study.If you know how to do the basics, you will find that there are as many different ways to do it as there are books, and as many different ways as there are stars in the sky.  If you find a method you like, try it out, and if you buy a book, read the introduction, which contains the author’s thoughts and hints on how to use the book. It is also important not to just read the book quickly, but to put it through its paces.However, I still don’t know the right way to learn English, and I’m still searching for the right answer every day. And by learning English, I can listen to music more deeply, watch movies, read novels, watch the news, travel to foreign countries, and talk with friends.  It is exactly through English that I feel my world has expanded.

Now, the university entrance exam is approaching. Many students are worried about how to read long passages, but I often teach them how to read closely in my lessons. It is necessary to read each assigned passage carefully in order to achieve the goal. There is no magic formula for speed reading in English. Skimming and scanning are advanced methods, and we can say that we know Japanese well enough to be able to skim and scan.

First of all, we read carefully and carefully, sentence by sentence, understanding the grammar and vocabulary. The order of the words is the order of the words the native speaker is thinking of when he or she writes this sentence, so we read it straight through and don’t skip over it. Then gradually increase your speed and you will be able to read the text quickly and accurately. If you can read closely, you will be able to read faster, and this will give you the ability to skim and scan. Many people may become impatient at this time of year, but if you do not dare to be impatient and take a careful approach, you will always get closer to your goal.

Words convey the thoughts of the person who is speaking them, so perhaps we learn languages in different ways in order to receive the thoughts of that person. While speaking in front of many people yesterday, I was filled with thoughts of learning English, so I would like to write them down here.



>Lovely morning✨

Lovely morning✨

Dear readers, I sincerely hope that my essay, which starts with the words "Lovely morning", will bring you a feeling of happiness.I run an English learning website called English/English. Check it out if you want to improve your English even more.