Lovely morning.The first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning may become your reality for the day. If you think about it, you might want to prioritise creative things that will benefit your future. I feel that the first action you take when you wake up in the morning will determine whether you live a lazy day or a fulfilling day. This is because in the morning, after waking up from sleep the day before, your mind is at its clearest and most reset during the day. What you input into yourself at that time almost always determines what you will do for the rest of the day.
When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you should do is a light stretch to wake up your head and body. You should also make sure that you are in good physical condition. Then, meditate lightly to reset your mind and make sure you are ready to input everything, so that your mind feels very fresh and comfortable.
And if you open the curtains and the morning sun is out, let your body get a good dose of fresh morning light. Even if you wake up before the sun has yet to rise, open the windows and let your body fill up with fresh air.
Then you’ll have some of your own routine, but make sure you open your journal and write down what you need to do today. And you might want to get that done early. If you procrastinate, you’ll be left with a nagging feeling in your mind that you have to do that later on in the day. So finish what you need to do early, and after you have done it, draw a diagonal line across the task and feel a sense of achievement. I feel that if you finish what you have to do early, you will feel a stronger sense of achievement.
I think people are thinking creatures, but I think there are times when we are so consumed by the same flow of time every day that we stop thinking. In a sense, this may be an easy state of being in a routine, but at the same time it is a dangerous state in which nothing can be created. It is difficult to judge whether you are in the right state of mind or not if you do not have enough time in your mind and, basically, in your body.
Getting up every morning and stretching, checking whether your body is in a good state, writing down what you need to do with a clear head on paper, and taking action will enable you to put your thoughts together and communicate them, and to think about what you need to do to make your dreams come true. It seems to me that this will lead towards a further progression. And of course, eating a good diet for your body is also of fundamental importance in determining how you can behave yourself every day. Think of the first five minutes of the morning as a wonderful time that determines your day, and create habits that enrich your mind and body every day.