Lovely morning.Perhaps it is not the result that makes us feel the happiest, but the process, which is always a series of moments. It is in this day that we can move ourselves as we wish, and it is in this series of moments that we can find the seeds of the greatest joy.
There is no point in comparing yourself with others, because you are the only one in this world, the only one. There is no need to compare yourself with others who are in a different environment. Are you able to grow and evolve even a little more than you did yesterday? That is the greatest joy of human life.
Maybe the reason we enjoy playing games is because we are trying to complete the stages, but we are also enjoying the time until we reach the goal. Therefore, if there is something that you need to do, you need to have the mindset to enjoy the process of doing it, rather than doing it reluctantly. It is up to you to decide from which angle you will look at things and how you will feel about them. Instead of forcing your mind to go in a painful direction, you may want to gently talk to yourself in a way that makes your mind happy. Words have such a wonderful unknown power.
The joy of growth and evolution is the best energy, or nutrient, for the human brain to evolve. Therefore, if we constantly challenge ourselves to evolve, the joy of delivering love will increase many times over, and the joy of receiving love and achievements will increase many times over. The happiness comes from the feeling that we are moving forward a little more today than yesterday, a little more tomorrow than today, and that we are gaining strength and growing. Let’s go on the way to the realization of our dreams with a constant feeling of happiness and enjoyment. And when your dream comes true, enjoy every moment of it, feel the joy, and then go on to find a new dream for yourself.