Lovely morning. Intuition is something that we all have. But when we get too busy with what we have to do every day, our intuition diminishes and may not even appear to us. However, this intuition can be developed when you carefully work on the problems you have to face every day, or when you concentrate on the things that interest you. Keeping one’s mind in tune is also necessary.
It’s already the middle of July. But as I always say, what you do afterwards depends on whether you think the month is half over or whether you think there are still nearly two weeks to go. If you think there are still two weeks to go, there may be more you can do this month. Sometimes that’s when you need to “take the plunge”. Sometimes it’s better to make a decision in a short space of time, or to make a decision about something you’re struggling with but can’t make progress on. But why couldn’t you make this decision? There are many reasons, such as thinking of all the risks, blaming the environment you are in, or being too busy to take the time. Certainly thinking about risk is important, and it’s worth pondering, but when we do, we tend to think about the negative side of things and not the positive.
There are times when it is important to take the plunge. To do this, you need to imagine the benefits of making the move, without thinking about the risks and weighing up the pros and cons of your choice. And remember your first instinct. If you trust your instincts and go ahead, you will be glad you did.
I have met new people in the past few months and I have also acted on my intuition. When I look back, I think that because I did it then and there, I moved forward at a very good time. If I had hesitated, I don’t think I would have got the results I have now. Taking the plunge can broaden your horizons and open your eyes to a world you never knew existed. Please trust your instincts and try something small and doable. I am sure that something will change for the better.