I would like to thank all of you..

Lovely morning.I would like to thank all of you for your support this year.

I hope that 2021 has been a memorable year for you too. Our lives have changed so much in the last two years because of the pandemic and unprecedented events. At first we had to start thinking and worrying about what we should do, and we had to start doing things with a lot of anxiety because of the big changes in the social system. But little by little we are living our lives, thinking about what we can do in the situation we are in. Of course, there are many people who are in a really difficult situation, but I believe that moving forward will lead to happiness in the future. At the same time, we have had to cope with the fact that we cannot meet people face to face at work, at school and in our daily lives, but we can also say that we have started to communicate in a different way.

It also made me think a lot about the way we use words with the tools of the cutting-edge digital age. A single word from each one of us can hurt someone’s feelings or make them feel happy or even encourage them. In other words, it made all of us think again that words are very important for us in every age.

I have been able to tweet to myself in the morning and to everyone who reads my tweets every day without taking a day off. I am so happy and grateful to have met you, to have received your warm words, to have read aloud to me at times, to have sutraed, liked and talked to me.

How has the year 2021 been for you? Some of you may look back and be surprised at how much you’ve grown. Some of you may be grateful for the wonderful things that have happened. Some of you may be happy that your family and loved ones are healthy. Some of you may have made a big change in your lives and entered a new world. I wish you all a very happy new year and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being good friends with me over the past year.
