The world is full of many how-to books and…
Lovely morning. The world is full of many how-to books and videos on how you can fulfil your dreams in a short time. However, I am sure that those who have created chips to achieve their goals and put […]
Lovely morning. The world is full of many how-to books and videos on how you can fulfil your dreams in a short time. However, I am sure that those who have created chips to achieve their goals and put […]
Lovely morning.Negative emotions can be very strong. Perhaps even stronger than those of happy feelings. For example, if you have ten happy things, but you have one bad thing, you might feel dragged d […]
Lovely morning.What satisfies you? People have many different desires. It might be spending time with a nice boyfriend or girlfriend, having a nice bag or a cool car, living in a lovely house, going t […]
Lovely morning.Have you ever tried standing on one leg with your eyes closed? Sometimes my dance teacher would ask us to do this with her in a lesson to get a feel for where our own axis is. At first […]
Lovely morning.When someone does something for us or gives us something, we say ‘thank you’ for their thoughtfulness. ” There is no one who doesn’t like to be told ‘thank […]
Lovely morning.People have a treasure in the form of words. People first think, then put it into words, and from there take action. And this leads to results. Therefore, it is very important to first […]
Lovely morning.We are affected by the words we encounter in our daily lives. We encounter words from watching the news on TV, reading books, encountering lines in films, and of course words we encount […]
Yesterday, while walking in the city, I came across a pair of parents walking with what appeared to be a high school student. The combination of high school students in uniforms and parents in suits m […]
Lovely morning. We cannot pretend that what has happened did not happen. Nor can we change what has happened. No matter how many time machines we can use to go back in time, we cannot say that we will […]
Lovely morning. Why do we compare ourselves with other people? There is nothing to be gained in comparing ourselves with others. The only result of comparison is a painful feeling of stress and stuckn […]