
When you excel in anything, it gives….

Lovely morning.When you excel in anything, it gives you confidence, and confidence brings in more confidence. This is similar to the concept of meritocracy, but developing your strengths is the best w […]

Turn ordinary moments into….

Lovely morning.Turn ordinary moments into an extraordinary life. To do this, whatever you decide to do or feel in your heart, just start it right away. It doesn’t matter how small a step it is, […]

Perhaps it is not the result that makes us..

Lovely morning.Perhaps it is not the result that makes us feel the happiest, but the process, which is always a series of moments. It is in this day that we can move ourselves as we wish, and it is in […]

Our lives are a series of continuous choices..

Lovely morning. Our lives are a series of continuous choices. Some choices are related to major events that will change your life in the future, such as which university to go to, which company to wor […]

Yesterday, when I tried to take a book…

Lovely morning. Yesterday, when I tried to take a book off the shelf, a brochure that was stuck between the books fell off. It was a brochure about the Eisriesenwelt, a great cold labyrinth in Wilfen, […]

To improve ourselves to any extent…

Lovely morning. To improve ourselves to any extent may be all we want to be aware of at any time and in any case. Before trying to improve ourselves, many of us may get stuck in a situation where we t […]

A person who can be completely absorbed..

Lovely morning.A person who can be completely absorbed in something is actually a person who can tackle anything if it turns him/her on. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing a game and the […]

When you want to achieve something..

Lovely morning. When you want to achieve something or get something, what you need more than anything else may be your mind. We all know that in order to achieve something, you need to have innate abi […]

>Lovely morning✨

Lovely morning✨

Dear readers, I sincerely hope that my essay, which starts with the words "Lovely morning", will bring you a feeling of happiness.I run an English learning website called English/English. Check it out if you want to improve your English even more.